London, U.K., 30 June - 2 July, 2010  
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The WCE 2010 Program Committee

As the WCE 2010 is organized by the International Association of Engineers and the Engineering Letters, some of the editorial board members of the Engineering Letters and the IAENG journals and the committee members of IAENG Societies are taking part in the 2007 International Program Committee.

  WCE Congress Co-chairs  

Prof. Alexander M. Korsunsky
Professor of Engineering Science
Dean, Trinity College
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK



Prof. Andrew Hunter
Professor & Head of Department & Head of Vision and AI Research Group
Dean of Research
Department of Computing and Informatics,
Lincoln University, UK



Prof. David WL Hukins, CPhys, FinstP, FIPEM, FRSE
Professor of Bio-medical Engineering
Head of Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Birmingham, UK



Prof. Len Gelman (honorary co-chair)
Professor and Chair in Vibro-Acoustic Monitoring,
Chairman of the Condition Monitoring Technical Committee, the British Institute of NDT,
Director, Centre of Vibro-Acoustics and Fatigue,
Director, International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (USA)
Cranfield University, UK



Dr. Christopher John Hogger (honorary co-chair)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computing
Imperial College London, UK



Prof. Darek J. Ceglarek (ICMEEM honorary co-chair)
Professor, International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, UK
Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Fellow of CIRP; Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and ASME Transactions on Manufacturing Science and Engineering



Dr. Stephen Payne (ICSBB honorary co-chair)
University Lecturer in BioMedical Engineering
Dean of Degrees Keble College, Head of Physiological Understanding through Modelling, Monitoring and Analysis Group,
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK



Congress Program Committee & Conferences Co-Chairs
  Prof. Munir Ahmad University of Teesside, UK
  Dr. Ioannis Alexandrou University of Liverpool, UK
  Dr. Waleed Al-Nuaimy University of Liverpool, UK
  Dr. Bala P. Amavasai Sheffield Hallam University, UK
  Dr. An, Yoon-Young Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea
  Dr. Ezendu Ariwa London Metropolitan University, UK
  Prof. Josu Arteche Universidad del Pais Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
  Prof. Francesco Audrino University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  Dr. Aladdin Ayesh De Montfort University, UK
  Dr. Chris Baber The University of Birmingham, UK
  Prof. Colin Bailey The University of Manchester, UK
  Prof. Naci Balkan University of Essex, UK
  Dr. Javier Barria Imperial College London, UK
  Dr. Jitka Bartosova University of Economics, Czech Republic
  Dr. Khaled Benkrid The University of Edinburgh, UK
  Dr. Hans Bleijs University of Leicester, UK
  Dr. Michael Bluck Imperial College London, UK
  Prof. Indranil Bose The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  Prof. Paula R. Bouzas University of Granada, Spain
  Prof. Paul M Braiden Newcastle University, UK
  Prof. Mietek Brdys The University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Gaetano Burriesci University College London, UK
  Prof. Mario Cannataro University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, Italy
  Prof. Alexandre Carvalho Institute of Applied Economics Research (IPEA), Brazil
  Prof. Chin-Chen Chang Feng Chia University, Taiwan
  Dr. Dechang Chen Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA
  Dr. Guanghui George Chen University of Southampton, UK
  Prof. Yuh-Shyan Chen National Taipei University, Taiwan
  Dr. Francisco Chiclana De Montfort University, UK
  Dr. Alastair Cooke Cranfield University, UK
  Dr. Diganta Bhusan Das Loughborough University, UK
  Dr. Darryl N Davis University of Hull, UK
  Prof. Iyad Dayoub University de Valenciennes, France
  Prof. Suash Deb C. V. Raman College of Engineering, India
  Prof. Ioannis C. Demetriou University of Athens, Greece
  Dr. Frank Devai London South Bank University, UK
  Dr. Reza S Dilmaghani King's College London, UK
  Dr. Daniele Dini Imperial College London, UK
  Prof. Dimitris Drikakis Cranfield University, UK
  Dr. Colm Durkan University of Cambridge, UK
  Dr. John Durodola Oxford Brookes University, UK
  Dr. Kamran Etebar Kingston University, UK
  Dr. Peter Fenn University of Manchester, UK
  Prof. Adelaide Figueiredo Porto School of Economics, Portugal
  Prof. Giannoula Florou Kavala Institute of Technology, Greece
  Dr. Steven Freear University of Leeds, UK
  Prof. Bogdan Gabrys Bournemouth University, UK
  Prof. Graham H. Galbraith Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
  Prof. Philip H Gaskell University of Leeds, UK
  Dr. Elena Gaura Coventry University, UK
  Prof. Zhao-qiang Ge Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
  Dr. H. Ghafouri-Shiraz The University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Mohammad Ghavami King's College London, UK
  Dr. Kostas Giannopoulos The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  Prof. Rosa Eva Pruneda Gonzalez University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  Prof. Angel Marin Gracia de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
  Prof. Christos Grecos University of West of Scotland, UK
  Dr. Lin Guan Loughborough University, UK
  Dr. Nalan Gulpinar University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Renkuan Guo University of Cape Town, South Africa
  Dr. Yakun Guo University of Aberdeen, UK
  Dr. Y. Hardalupas Imperial College London, UK
  Prof. Li He Durham University, UK
  Prof. Josep R. Herrero Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
  Dr. Ben James Hicks University of Bath, UK
  Dr. Evor L. Hines University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Simon Hodgson University of Teesside, UK
  Dr Alton Horsfall Newcastle University, UK
  Dr. Patrick Hosein Ericsson Inc., USA
  Prof. Fun Hu University of Bradford, UK
  Prof. Huosheng Hu University of Essex, UK
  Dr. Winifred Ijomah University of Bath, UK
  Prof. Ji Ming Queen's University Belfast, UK
  Dr. Anne James Coventry University, UK
  Dr. Peter Jancovic University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Arshad Jhumka University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Fairouz Kamareddine Heriot-Watt University, UK
  Prof. Rajgopal Kannan
Louisiana State University, USA
  Prof. M. Elif Karsligil Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
  Prof. Salih Turan Katircioglu Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
  Prof. Allali Khalid Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de Settat, France
  Prof. Antonis Kokossis University of Surrey, UK
  Dr. Konstantinos Kontis University of Manchester, UK
  Dr. M. Oguzhan Kulekci National Research Institute of Electronics & Cryptology, Turkey
  Prof. Algirdas Laukaitis Vilnius Gedinimas Technical University, Lithuania
  Dr. Mark Leeson University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Mukesh C Limbachiya Kingston University, UK
  Prof. Layuan Li Wuhan University of Technology, China
  Prof. Lin Li The University of Manchester, UK
  Prof. Phone Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  Dr. Wing-Kuen Ling King's College London, UK
  Prof. Elsa M. Macias Lopez Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Spain
  Dr. Terese Lovas University of London & University of Cambridge, UK
  Prof. Michele Luglio University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
  Prof. Stefano Mainardi Card. S. Wyszynski University, Poland
  Prof. Prabhat K. Mahanti University of New Brunswick, Canada
  Dr. Ioannides Marinos Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus
  Prof. Paul Maropoulos University of Bath, UK
  Dr. Paul Mativenga The University of Manchester, UK
  Dr. George Mavrommatis Hellenic National Centre for Public Administration, Greece
  Prof. S.G. Meintanis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
  Prof. Yezid Donoso Meisel Universidad del Norte, Colombia
  Dr. Samir Mekid The University of Manchester, UK
  Prof. Christos Mias University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Annie Morin University of Rennes 1, France
  Prof. Nysret Musliu Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  Prof. Farhad Nabhani University of Teesside, UK
  Prof. Raouf Naguib Coventry University, UK
  Dr. Oluremi Olatunbosun The University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Sarah Olsen Newcastle University, UK
  Prof. A. Alper Ozalp Uludag University, Turkey
  Prof. Ai-Chun Pang National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  Dr. William K-S. Pao The University of Manchester, UK
  Prof. Miquel Angel Piera McLeod Institute for Simulation Sciences - Spanish Center, Spain
  Prof. Francesco Pinciroli City University of London, UK
  Dr. Theodor D. Popescu National Institute for Research and Developent in Informatics, Romania
  Prof. Henry Power The University of Nottingham, UK
  Prof. Philip D Prewett University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Ghanim A. Putrus Northumbria University, UK
  Prof. Chris Railton University of Bristol, UK
  Prof. Vinesh Raja University of Warwick, UK
  Prof. Marina Resta Universita' degli Studi di Genova, Italy
  Dr. Mihailo Ristic Imperial College London, UK
  Prof. Rajat Roy University of Warwick, UK
  Dr. Alessandra Russo Imperial College London, UK
  Dr. Fariba Sadri Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK
  Dr. M. Necip Sahinkaya University of Bath, UK
  Prof. Toshio Sakata Kyushu University, Japan
  Prof. Sana Salous University of Durham, UK
  Prof. Sergei Sazhin The University of Brighton, UK
  Dr. Germana Scepi University of Naples, Italy
  Prof. Lakmal Seneviratne King's College London, UK
  Prof. Quah Tong Seng Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  Prof. Noel Shammas Staffordshire University, UK
  Dr. Duncan ET Shepherd University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Tim Short University of Liverpool, UK
  Dr. MNH Siddique University of Ulster at Magee, UK
  Prof. Riti Singh Cranfield University, UK
  Dr. Konstantinos Sirlantzis University of Kent, UK
  Dr. Agusti Solanas Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
  Dr. Tania Stathaki Imperial College London, UK
  Prof. Andrew Todd-Pokropek University College London, UK
  Prof. Fernando J.Velez University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  Prof. Ana Maria Piquer Vicent Universidad Jaume, Spain
  Dr. Bal Virdee London Metropolitan University, UK
  Dr. Robert John Walters University of Southampton, UK
  Dr Charles H.-T. Wang University of Aberdeen, UK
  Prof Jiangzhou Wang University of Kent, UK
  Dr Jihong Wang University of Liverpool, UK
  Prof. Wen Wang University of London, UK
  Prof. Xue-Zhong Wang University of Leeds, UK
  Dr. Mark Ware University of Glamorgan, UK
  Dr. Philip Webb The University of Nottingham, UK
  Dr. Dongsheng Wen University of London, UK
  Prof. Jennifer Wen Kingston University, UK
  Prof. Alastair Wood University of Bradford, UK
  Dr. Roy Woodhead Oxford Brookes University, UK
  Dr. John Woods University of Essex, UK
  Prof. Q H Wu The University of Liverpool, UK
  Prof Sergei V. Utyuzhnikov University of Manchester, UK
  Dr. Hongming Xu The University of Birmingham, UK
  Dr. Yongbing Xu The University of York, UK
  Prof. Yong Yan University of Kent, UK
  Prof. Gi-Chul Yang Mokpo National University, South Korea
  Prof. Wuqiang Yang The University of Manchester, UK & MIT, USA
  Dr. Xin-She Yang University of Cambridge, UK
  Prof. Hsiang-Fu Yu National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
  Dr. Yuyang Zhao University of Cambridge & University of Bath, UK
  Prof. Valentina Zharkova University of Bradford, UK
  Dr. Qing-Chang Zhong The University of Liverpool, UK
  Prof. Constantin Zopounidis Technical University of Crete, Greece



WCE Conferences Committees:

ICAEM'10 Conference Committee Members

ICCIIS'10 Conference Committee Members

ICCSDE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICCSE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICDMKE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICEEE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICFE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICIE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICISIE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICME'10 Conference Committee Members

ICMEEM'10 Conference Committee Members

ICPDC'10 Conference Committee Members

ICSBB'10 Conference Committee Members

ICSIE'10 Conference Committee Members

ICWN'10 Conference Committee Members






