Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007  
Conferences Publications Membership About IAENG FAQ Contact Us
  Conference Program  
The IMECS 2007 is organized by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. The conference has the focus on the frontier topics in the theoretical and applied engineering and computer science subjects. The IMECS conferences serve as good platforms for our members and the entire engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. Our IMECS committees have been formed with over one hundred and sixty workshops co-chairs and committees members who are mainly research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, and research scientists from over 20 countries. The last IMECS 2006 has attracted more than four hundred participants from over 30 countries.

The summary of submissions and accepted papers in IMECS 2007 is as followed:new
Total number of submissions received and reviewed in IMECS 2007: 1182
Total number of papers that have been accepted for IMECS 2007: 691 (Acceptance rate: 58.46%)

The titles and contact authors of submitted papers that have been reviewed and accepted (or accepted with minor revisions) for IMECS 2007 are listed here:

titles_A_B, titles_C_N, titles_O_Others.

IMECS 2007 Program Schedule Details new

  IMECS Best Paper Awards  
The International Association of Engineers have planned that there will be a Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award for each IMECS conference. The candidate papers will be judged on originality, significance, correctness, and clarity. In order to be qualified for the Best Student Paper Award, the first author of the candidate paper must be a student and the author should state his/her intention for the competition in the student category. The candidate papers in the student category will not be considered for the Best Paper Awards.

IMECS 2007 Invited Talks

IMECS 2007 Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Ping-kong Alexander Wai
Chair Professor of Optical Communications and Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
E-mail: enwai@polyu.edu.hk


ICINDE 2007 Invited Speaker:

Professor Basim Al-Najjar
Professor of Terotechnology (Systemekonomi)
Head of the department of Terotechnology
School of Technology and Design
Växjö University
Lückligs plats 1
351 95 Växjö, Sweden


ICB 2007 Invited Talk:

Title: Novel statistical approaches for data analysis in RNA interference high-throughput
Screening technology

Dr. Xiaohua (Douglas) Zhang (PhD Carnegie Mellon University)
Senior biometrician, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, PA, USA

E-mail address: xiaohua_zhang@merck.com


ICICWS 2007 Invited Talk I:

Title: Ontology Re-engineering for Personalized Knowledge Management

Dr. Adela Lau
Lecturer, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Email: Adela.Lau@inet.polyu.edu.hk



ICICWS 2007 Invited Talk II:

Title: RFID and its Use in CRM: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Indranil Bose
Associate Professor, School of Business,
The University of Hong Kong

Email: bose@business.hku.hk


ICCA 2007 Invited Talk:

Design and Application of Adaptive Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller

Prof. Chih-Min Lin
Professor and Chairman
Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
E-mail: cml@saturn.yzu.edu.tw


ICCS 2007 Invited Talk:

Title: CLOS Solutions to Binary Methods

Dr. Didier Verna
Assistant Professor, Ecole Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancees, France
E-mail address: didier@lrde.epita.fr


ICSE 2007 Invited Talk:

Taming Mustang – JAVA 1.6 In Practice

Ravi Shankar. N,
Senior Consultant,
Email: rshankarn@acm.org





IMECS 2007 Multiconference Program Organizer:
International Association of Engineers (IAENG)


IMECS 2007 Conferences Co-organizers and Sponsors:

IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence

IAENG Society of Bioinformatics

IAENG Society of Computer Science

IAENG Society of Data Mining

IAENG Society of Electrical Engineering

IAENG Society of Imaging Engineering

IAENG Society of Industrial Engineering

IAENG Society of Internet Computing and Web Services

IAENG Society of Operations Research

IAENG Society of Scientific Computing

IAENG Society of Software Engineering

IAENG Society of Wireless Networks