IAENG Societies

The IAENG Societies are organized to cover the different engineering and computer science disciplines. The IAENG Societies are a major component of IAENG. Through regularly scheduled conferences and workshops, the IAENG Societies serve as forums for networking, information sharing, idea exchange and problem solving for engineering communities in their corresponding disciplines. The committee members of the IAENG Societies can voluntarily organize different activities for their Society members, and take part in organizing the IAENG conferences and workshops.



IAENG Societies

IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence

IAENG Society of Bioinformatics

IAENG Society of Chemical Engineering

IAENG Society of Computer Science

IAENG Society of Data Mining

IAENG Society of Electrical Engineering

IAENG Society of Imaging Engineering

IAENG Society of Industrial Engineering

IAENG Society of Information System Engineering

IAENG Society of Internet Computing and Web Services

IAENG Society of Mechanical Engineering

IAENG Society of Operations Research

IAENG Society of Scientific Computing

IAENG Society of Software Engineering

IAENG Society of Wireless Networks

IAENG Society for HIV/AIDS


Interested IAENG members can join the above IAENG societies free of charge by filling in the online application:

IAENG Society Membership Online Application Form


And non-IAENG members can firstly join IAENG free of charge at www.iaeng.org/membership.html



Proposal for New IAENG Societies

Interested engineers and computer scientists are welcome to submit their proposal for forming new IAENG Societies. They can send an email to societies@iaeng.org, with their CV, their proposing Society and its brief description.




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